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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

The Nasty Mystery Of Stoutness And What You Can Do

By Cynthia Burgenstein

If you have a weight problem, you aren't alone. Fully two thirds of adult Americans share your same condition. And many of us struggle on a daily basis with this issue.

And being overweight doesn't come by itself. It brings along all kinds of other health problems with it.Of course, without the extra weight, many of these problems will vanish.

Why are so many Americans overweight? It wasn't always like this. In the old days, most people were fairly skinny. In order to understand why so many more people are overweight now compared to then, we find two major differences.

First of all, peoples lifestyles were much different back then. People had much more active lives. Most people had to work hard physical labor to make a living. Today most people sit at a desk.

And even those among us that can find the motivation to hit the gym once or twice a week, the workout is not nearly as strenuous as peoples eight hour a day jobs of a hundred years ago.

And secondly, the food we eat is not nearly as healthy as it used to be. Before, most of the food most people ate was fresh, and grown somewhere near to where they lived. It wasn't trucked in from across the country, or shipped in from a different country altogether.

Contrast that to now, when most everything you can find to eat has been processed, chemically altered, and filled with preservatives. This can't be good for us.

The problem is, we have little choice in the food we eat on a regular basis. Finding fresh, locally grown food is not only difficult, but extremely expensive if you can find a natural grocer nearby.

Restaurant food, fast food, and even most of the foods you buy at your local supermarket are filled with chemicals and junk that is just not healthy. And this can cause all kinds of problems to your digestive system.

It's no surprise then, why we are becoming a nation of obese people. We are kept at desks, fed unhealthy food, and then shamed for being overweight. It's not our fault.

The biggest scam is that there are corporations and companies that make billions of dollars every year from selling you food that makes you fat and unhealthy.

But when you figure out how to eat healthy, and get a little bit of exercise, you can start to take your life back, little by little. It may take a little motivation and willpower, but it's your life. It's important.

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