I really love sharing with you some articles that are not only informative and beneficial but full of ideas in making you and your family healthy in every way.
Here is another one that I found and I wish to share it with you because the recipe that is included here is really truly another Filipino delicacy that you will greatly love!
Carbohydrates may come cheap but they are the chief source of energy. They are commonly known as sugars and starches. Carbohydrates, however, have gained a bad reputation. Some people regard them as undesirable or unnecessary dietary components that must be eliminated if a person wishes to lose weight or avoid diet-related diseases such as obesity or diabetes.
Truth is, carbohydrates have essential functions to perform. They provide most of the energy in the diet and supply an appreciable amount of protein. About 50-57 percent of our calories should come from carbohydrates, to supply us with energy to keep us alive, alert, awake, and enthusiastic!
Found almost exclusively in plant foods, carbohydrates are abundant in root crops, cereals, grains, legumes, vegetables and fruits. Milk is the only animal-derived food that contains significant amounts of carbohydrates.
Root crops that have high starch content include cassava (kamoteng-kahoy), taro (gabi), sweet potato (camote), white potato (patatas), goayam (toge), purple yam (ube). Of these rootcrops, cassava has the biggest amount of starch (34 percent). Tapioca is the commercial term for cassava starch.
Cassava is commonly served as suman or plain boiled, topped with sugar and grated coconut. One can also turn cassava into a special treat for parties, potlucks, and family meals. Make an easy-to-do and economical cake that tickles the Pinoy palate.
Cassava cake is delicious and provides significant amounts of carbohydrates to supply the energy needs of the active child, growing teener, busy housewife, and working father.
You will need:
5 cups cassava, grated
2 cups sugar
1 cup powdered whole milk
2 eggs, beaten
5 cups coconut milk
Cheese, grated
Condensed milk
Here's how:
1. Mix thoroughly the first four ingredients.
2. Add coconut milk and mix well.
3. Pour into a greased baking pan.
4. Bake in moderate heat for about 45 minutes or until the top is almost dry.
5. Remove from oven.
6. Pour condensed milk evenly on top of cassava cake then sprinkle with cheese.
7. Bake again until golden brown or until cheese and milk melt.
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