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Sunday, July 29, 2012

Tocino del Cielo

Español: Tocinillo de cielo.
Español: Tocinillo de cielo. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
By Juvy S. Iliwiliw

A friend of mine has been attending cooking classes since she was 12 years old. But none of those compare to the class she had right in her grandparents' home, especially since her grandmother was her teacher. She would tell her everything and even insist [on her old ways of cooking]. In making this tocino del cielo, she doesn't use a candy thermometer. When her grandmother makes the syrup, she can tell if it has reached the right temperature just by looking. My friend recounts that all those home study surely paid off. She learned a lot especially making this tocino del cielo, they're like mini leche flans, but only this time thicker and more flavorful.


You will need:

1/2 cup white sugar for the caramel

1 ½ cups white sugar

1 ½ cups water

1/2 cup butter

Here's how:

1. Caramelize  ½ cup sugar. When desired consistency is reached, pour a little into the flan containers, just enough to coat the bottom. In the meantime, heat oven to 350oF. Boil 1 ½ cups sugar and water until the candy thermometer registers 220oC. When done, add butter and allow to melt. Stir.

2. In a separate bowl, whisk egg yolks. Pour the syrup and butter mixture gradually into the yolks. Pour 2 tablespoons of the mixture into each of the small flan containers. Prepare a baine marie (water bath) and bake for 50 minutes.

3. When done, let baked flans cool on a wire rack. When completely cooled, scrape the sides of the containers and invert.

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