Welcome to the World Little Guy
Xavier-Alexander Andrew Salaka born 13:46 on November 11, 2010 3.276kg/7lbs 3.55oz |
Thank goodness the 2,000 lb beast known as Google didn't eat this blog. Unfortunately, the original posting of this article on the (realwcs.blogspot.com) was taken down by Google. Despite hiring professional writers to post articles to that blog, Google, in all its wisdom, decided that the blog was somehow a spam blog - 1 year worth of posting (and several grand in writing fees) gone in an instant. After 2 months of trying to talk to them, and no reasoning given, I gave up on re-instating the original blog and reproduced the article here.
Update 2: Awesomeness - Google is just going to town on deleting my blogs. I am about this far from starting a boycott Google campaign.
Update 2: Awesomeness - Google is just going to town on deleting my blogs. I am about this far from starting a boycott Google campaign.