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Saturday, November 27, 2010

All About Tea

In China, tea leaf is in cup Like Bali coffee....Image via Wikipedia
By Ralph Horace

Several people often relates a cup of tea as something very English. One time remaining pleasure of English tradition is having tea in the afternoon served in a fine china antique tea set along with a scone. As a way to deal with the heat and humidity, tea became popular to the British around the time of the Raj to keep from becoming dehydrated. At present, tea is loved by everyone.

Pleasure Cooking

Homeschooled children in the kitchenImage via Wikipedia

Far too often we get caught up in the necessity of cooking so as to eat and forget the complete joy which can be found through the act of cooking. Needless to say this is not limited to stovetop cooking. There are many men and women all over the world who find baking to be an incredibly enjoyable pastime along with traditional stovetop cooking or even barbecuing on a grill. The primary distinction occurs in how you perceive your cooking projects.

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