White Wine Sauce Recipe Pasta White Wine Sauce Recipe Pasta' is a cooking instruction to make Pasta utilizing
white wine sauce. The white wine sauce is really a classic valoute' (
French cuisine); white wine sauce and its derivatives are utilized to prepare lots of delicious food preparations. The ingredients and Nutritional values (60ml) of a typical white wine sauce are: Ingredients - water, roasted
chicken stock, chicken stock, white wine,
unsalted butter, roux (made of wheat flour and unsalted butter), modified food starch, salt, mirepoix stock 9made of carrot, celery, and, onion stocks),
Xanthan gum, natural flavor, and spices; nutritional value calorie 45, fat cal 25, total fat 2.5 g (sat fat 1.5g), cholesterol 5 mg, sodium 240 mg, total carbohydrate 2 g, protein 3 gm. Some examples of food preparation recipe using white wine sauce: