We often hear people ask this when they find themselves in difficult situations. But in reality, we do always have choice.
That's probably one of the best things about being alive, here and now: the freedom to choose what you want to do. Now we live in a world that offers many options. Be a doctor or a painter? Be both! Can't catch your favorite TV shows? But the DVD. Don't want to walk to where you're going? Take a train, bus, taxi, jeepney, or pedicab, take your pick! These days, it is ALL about choice.
They say that a man is measured not by what he wants to be, but what he chooses to be; the decisions that he makes in life. This is especially true when it comes to health. Living a healthy and active lifestyle is all about making choices that fit your needs and wants. And it's not complicated either. It actually involves three key values that anyone, no matter who or where they, are can can easily do. These values are having a balanced diet, always being active and proper hydration. You can choose to live a healthier and more active lifestyle. You can live your life the way you want to, with balance and without compromises.
If you are healthy, you can never say no to anything you are craving for in your food. I hope you are healthy enough to freely have a big bite of this chicken pie.