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Sunday, January 23, 2011

Making Homemade Wine: Kits vs From Scratch

This image shows a red wine glass.Image via Wikipedia
By Andrew Miller

There are two broad ways of making homemade wine; either from a kit or completely from scratch. Both these ways are perfectly fine routes to go for making your own homemade wine; the choice is dependent mostly on skill level and the room you have. It is likely that you will do both; start out with a kit to get comfortable and then work your way towards making homemade wine without one.

Pancakes From Scratch

A heap of pancakes in Sweden. My mother cooked...Image via Wikipedia
By Tatum Cook

When they're made from scratch pancakes always taste better. The best part about making pancakes from scratch is that it's easy! It really takes no extra time to make pancakes from scratch. This will also allow you to tinker with the recipe until it is just how you like your pancakes to taste. Just follow the directions laid out below and you are sure to make some great pancakes in no time!

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