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Saturday, September 8, 2012

Mango-Filled Cream Puffs with Spiced Mango-Mojito Sauce

By Juvy S. Iliwiliw

You might need this kitchen tip in making this recipe which will need mangoes to perfect its creation: To cut a mango, stand it on one long side. Slice off the "cheek" on each side, as close to the pit as possible. Cut crosshatch pattern in each cheek  (but do not cut through skin). Turn inside out so flesh pops up, then cut off cubes with knife. Cut off remaining fruit from the pit, then peel and dice.

Chocolate Natillas with Coffee-Bean Granita

By Juvy S. Iliwiliw

Natilla is the Cuban answer to a French pot de creme. Here, an icy coffee granita tops the pudding for a cool contrast. (The puddings need to chill overnight and the granita needs freezing time, so be sure to start a day before serving.) This is serving something to cool the blazing heat of the day.

Tangerine-Honey Flan with Grapefruit Segments

By Juvy S. Iliwiliw

Cocktails on the beach, snorkeling with rainbow-colored fish-everyone knows that side of the islands. Let me introduce you to one of the many reasons to love the Caribbean: a cuisine that mixes myriad cooking styles to create everything like this tangerine flan with grapefruit segments. This may be the beginning for you to discover a new world of Caribbean food and you are making it happen just right at home.

Gain Maximum Tea Benefits By Adding Lemon

This image shows a whole and a cut lemon.
This image shows a whole and a cut lemon. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
By Justin Castle

The benefits of green tea may be notably boosted when lemon is included. To help fully grasp this idea, it is necessary to first explore the negative and positive effects of combining food.

A number of nutritionists will probably agree that mixing food can damage or aid a person's physical health. An individual experiencing heartburn from a buffet may blame the large amount of food, yet in many situations bad food combination is the contributing problem. For example, blending melon with any other food is not a smart decision.

Good Recipe for Strawberry Spinach Salad

Salad of spinach, plum tomatoes, goat cheese a...
Salad of spinach, plum tomatoes, goat cheese and walnut oil (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
By Katy Smart

If you feel thatstrawberry spinach salad dishis but one well-known salad that almost everybody has learned the best way to make it, or at best understand a variance about this kind of salad, you happen to be right as it really is well-known. A recipe for strawberry spinach salad is certainly one that most housewives have or probably a variation on this. It really is just so great - so who"s that one who does not like this particular salad type or at least have tasted that. It"ll be great for a dessert that you would like to take if invited by a buddy or you want to pay a visit to your family.

Tempting Colourful Red Chocolate Cake Recipe

red velvet cake with whipped cream, blueberrie...
red velvet cake with whipped cream, blueberries and strawberries (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
By Anu Parsai

There are many kinds of red velvet cake recipes from scratch , but I prefer the mixture of plenty of dark chocolate with the colourful red of the cake. I adore making the following red velvet cake recipe at home and I usually get great compliments for this creation, be it at a children's party or an official party.

Eating in Orbit: How Does Space Food Work?

Flanders, Netherlands
Flanders, Netherlands (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
By Terrance Franklin

Are you aware how astronauts eat their daily dietary intake if they're in space? Ever thought about how they may intake and swallow their food while they are suspended on air, weightless. The secret's in the planning. We always eat our meals with feet on the ground however it is different when you're outside of the earth. There are considerations regarding how meals are prepared - this involves the selection procedure, storage containers, plus the appropriate amount of vitamins and minerals. Space Food is somewhat more tricky than our typical stuff.

Cooking Holidays And Their Many Benefits

Cover of "The Holidays"
Cover of The Holidays

Do you love cooking? Are you passionate about it? If you are but just luck the time to do so then cooking holidays will help you bring back the energy and the memories. Cooking is always a good way of learning about new recipes but the best part is your family gets to bond during this time especially if you involve them. Cooking can also help reduce stress for those who suffer from it.

Entertain Guests With Wine - All You Need To Know

Madeira is exposed to high temperatures during...
Madeira is exposed to high temperatures during its winemaking process and is thereby able to sustain exposure to higher temperatures more easily than other wines. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

When you are planning a celebration, one of the most important things to think about is the entertainment. Of course, you want all of your guests to enjoy the gathering and so you need to plan ways to help them do so. Besides music, presentations and food, one of the most effective ways to entertain guests is through the beverage that you serve. The best drink to serve at any party is wine, because there is just something it that can turn any event into a sophisticated and elegant occasion.

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