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Sunday, August 29, 2010

Younger Skin Means Healthy Skin

By Addie Davison

Your beautiful skin starts with a healthy skin!

As you nourish your body you have to nourish your skin too!.

The skin needs minerals, vitamins, essential aminoacids, essential fatty acids, enzymes and plenty of water. Each element is extremely important for your skin. They help each other building the metabolic reactions necessary for your skin to naturally synthesize collagen and elastin.

A younger skin means that the skin is continuously synthesize collagen and elastin, reducing wrinkles and preventing other wrinkles to appear.

A depletion of one element can block one or many metabolic reactions. No wonder that one or two active ingredients for an anti aging cream is not enough. More than that: you can apply for example creams with Hyaluronic acid, an anti aging ingredient, over and over again. These creams will be at the beginning active, if you have other constituents necessary to start metabolic reactions for your skin benefit. Then, the acid will be stocked into your skin cell. From there, is only a step to skin disorders. Sooner or later, your skin will be dried and aged. These creams I called "lifeless" creams. They are in my opinion creams without cell building power. These creams begin and end nowhere because they do not really nourish your skin and have no power to push your skin to naturally synthesize necessary collagen and elastin for a long period of time.

If you believe in these magic anti aging creams with an extraordinary cutting age technology ingredient, then, you should think over. Rather than spend a fortune to alternate those "one active ingredient" creams to reach a certain level of metabolic equilibrium, you can simply go for really natural formulations, which contain at a glance everything your skin and beauty need. A plant extract may contain not only natural flavonoids (antioxidants) but minerals and vitamins. A cold pressed vegetable oil not only has its natural saturated fat, so necessary for building up steps for the skin metabolic reactions, but also antioxidants and liposoluble vitamins such as: vitamin A, D and E.

In conclusion: If you want to have a younger skin, go for a healthy skin regimen. You may not get the results you want it, within a week but you definitely you will get it for all your life.

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Anti Aging Skin Care - Vital Tips On How To Prevent Aging Naturally

By Addie Davison

The process of aging is a natural process. However, your skin's aging can be significantly reduced with the proper prevention methods and natural skin care techniques.

The major factor in our skin prematurely aging is photo damage (sun damage). The sun damage you might see on your face today might have started 30 years ago. When it comes to sun damage prevention is the best cure.

Tips to prevent photo damage:

* Wear a high SPF factor sunscreen daily on your face and neck. Make sure it's UV A & B
* Wear a hat whenever you venture outside; even on small walks
* Wear make-up that contains SPF 15 or more
* Don't sun bathe

We hear a lot about "free radicals" these days. Free radicals are unstable molecules produced from air pollution, radiation, and chemicals you can find in just about anything. They are also caused by fatty diets. These free radicals can seriously toll your system and they are notorious for causing premature aging.

Tips to prevent Free Radical damage:

* Increase your intake of antioxidants like Vitamin A and E
* Eat a diet high in cblueberries, raspberries, strawberries, or any fruits/berries with bright colors
* Use anti aging skin care products that contain Acai (very high in anti oxidants)

Using an anti aging skin care cream that contains anti oxidants can significantly reduce the amount of chemical substances you absorb into your skin through everyday, environmental exposure (pollution, etc). which, in turn will turn the hands of time back on your facial skin.

Tips to prevent absorbing chemicals through the skin:

* Use anti aging skin care products high in anti oxidants
* Wash your face morning and night and apply a high quality anti wrinkle cream

Dehydration is another factor in premature aging. Most people don't drink enough water to maintain a healthy body. 8 glasses of water a day is recommended.

Tips to ensure you drink enough water:

* Put 4 rubber bands on your bottle of water (assuming it's around 16oz). Remove one band every time you empty the bottle. When you have removed all the bands, you've supplied your body with enough water for the day.

Enough emphasis cannot be put on the importance of using a high quality anti aging skin care cream. Unfortunately, most anti wrinkle creams on the market are not what they claim to be. The majority of anti aging brands, big and small, spend more effort on fancy packaging than they do anti aging research.

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Too Much Of A Good Thing May NOT Be A Good Thing When Dealing With Antioxidants.

By Michael Pritsker

Popular belief is that antioxidants prevent heart, Parkinson's And Alzheimer's Disease. Some research shows that too much may cause one of these dreaded diseases. It's a very popular and believable theory, mainly because it makes sense. It has also given hope to many people in search of ways to enhance and extend their lives naturally. And let's not forget, it's profitable for many professionals. Patients regularly ask us at the chiropractic office at New Century Spine Centers in San Diego which supplements to take.

What we are referring to is the belief that taking antioxidants is good for you. Many believe they can prevent such diseases as heart, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease. A study published in the August 10th issue of Cell sheds new light on this claim. It says that too much of a certain antioxidant may even cause heart disease in the long run.

To make sense of all this, let's talk about... How Antioxidants Are Thought To Work... Heart, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and other deadly diseases are associated with oxidative stress, in which "free radical" molecules are produced in reaction to oxygen intake. Free radicals travel the body, triggering chemical reactions that damage proteins causing them to form aggregates. It is believed that antioxidants, such as vitamins C and E (and many others), offer health-promoting benefits by protecting against damaging free radicals. That's why many people take antioxidants to prevent heart and other protein-aggregate diseases.

In a study on laboratory mice, University of Utah researchers (Ivor J. Benjamin, M.D. and Christi T. Smith Chair of Cardiovascular Research, division chief of cardiology at the Utah School of Medicine) found that an overload of natural antioxidants could actually lead to heart failure.

Excessive levels of reduced glutathione can cause reductive stress. Glutathione is one of your body's most powerful antioxidants. When your cells work properly, they produce just the right amount of reduced glutathione. This is healthy for your body. In some people, a mutated gene can disrupt the fine balance. This causes the cells to produce too much glutathione.

There was a study done with laboratory mice with failing hearts caused by mutant alpha B-Crystallin. Researchers found increased activity of the biochemical pathway leading to high levels of reduced glutathione in the animals. Glutathione is regulated at multiple steps. It is primarily regulated by the G6PD enzyme. To establish the connection between reduced glutathione and heart failure, the researchers mated mutant alpha B-Crystallin mice that carried too much G6PD with mice that had far lower levels.

The resulting offspring had normal levels of reduced glutathione and did not develop heart failure. The researchers found that by lowering the level of reduced glutathione in mice with failing hearts, they were able to increase their rate of survival dramatically. "Lowering the level of reduced glutathione dramatically changed the survival of these mice," Benjamin said. "Basically, we prevented them from getting heart failure." Benjamin also added that although many people take antioxidants to prevent heart and other protein-aggregate diseases, there actually is scant evidence to prove they work. And that, "This is a case of too much of a good thing."

This field of medicine has not appreciated reductive stress and its influence on disease. This is about balance needed in the environment of the cells in our body. It can have profound consequences on the treatment of heart disease and other grave disorders.

This just shows how too much of a good thing can possibly be a bad thing. This is a concept that is misunderstood by most of the population. This probably leads to many health problems in many individuals. Many have a skewed concept of how the body functions and what exactly optimal performance or optimal health truly is.

For example, let's take performance. Many athletes are constantly trying to boost performance with supplementation. Some natural (and legal) other synthetic and usually illegal. Some athletes take anabolic steroids to boost performance. Steroids such as testosterone - help build muscle, strength and reduce recovery time. And they naturally occur in your body for these and many other purposes.

And naturally occurring steroids are good for you. So... if naturally occurring steroids do these good things for you - increasing their levels will do more good things for you. And it is true - athletes that take the right steroids, increase their athletic performance. And increase it a great deal.

However, this is not OPTIMAL performance. This is PATHOLOGICAL performance. Here's why: Optimal performance is when your body is functioning at the highest level for your given genetic potential. Anything beyond that is ABNORMAL. Therefore PATHOLOGICAL.

It's the same "too much of a good thing" Dr. Benjamin is referring to above. And, it's the same as far as antioxidants are concerned. It makes complete sense that the proper level of antioxidants is good for you. And they probably help fight disease such as heart, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.

Too many approach the use of natural supplements like the athlete approaches the use of steroids. If a little is good - a lot is better. Know this: There is a perfect balance in your body where everything functions at 100% of your genetic potential. More is not better - it is worse. And as the study mentioned in this article demonstrated, too much of a good thing can be...Poison!

This is why choosing and taking supplements (of any kind) is much more involved than going into GNC and aimlessly picking a bunch that are popular or sound good. The old (and uneducated) belief that supplements can't hurt you because they are natural is false. Snake venom is natural. So is mercury. Some of the most dangerous substances in the world are natural. The supplements you take should depend on your diet and the particular needs of your body.

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What To Consider Regarding San Antonio Weight Loss Surgery

By Iris K. Macias

When you have a serious weight issue, physical exercise and proper dieting might not truly be sufficient to help you attain an ideal and wholesome weight. San Antonio weight loss surgery is something that people who suffer from morbid obesity, Texas included, consider in order for them to accomplish their desired weight.

Weight loss surgery San Antonio has a popularity that's expanded over the years as the number of people struggling with obesity Texas has also increased. Obesity is not something based on what the community dictates as the best weight. Obesity only denotes that a person has an overly excessive amount of body fat which is hazardous and can be quite bad for a person's health and standard of living.

For those who are new to the concept of obesity and do not fully understand it, they're quick to blame the patient and make accusations that the uncontrolled weight gain is caused by the not enough activity, laziness and excessive eating. While it is a fact that an individual is supposed to keep a healthy diet plan and carry out regular exercise to keep healthy, not doing this is not automatically the only cause of an individual being fat. If you have long battled being overweight, it is a situation that is generally associated with either a hereditary quirk or physiological dysfunction. Obesity is a chronic disease that is caused by a lots of genetic, psychological, metabolic, and social and lifestyle factors. This sheds light on the fact that occasionally medical intervention such as Texas bariatric San Antonio surgery and other areas, is required, particularly if one person aspires to triumph over illnesses that have plenty of health hazards.

Yet this does not always imply that undergoing San Antonio weight loss surgery is an option for everyone who is keen to get rid of unwanted pounds. Texas bariatric San Antonio surgery is only conducted specifically for those patients who are suffering from morbid obesity. As a matter of fact, these patients don't easily gain their physician's permission not until they've tried and exhausted every possible means to reduce their weight. What this means is only men and women who are over 100 pounds overweight are regarded as candidates for weight loss surgery San Antonio and other places.

It is also important to understand that undergoing San Antonio weight loss surgery will not instantly give you the body and weight that you are dreaming to possess. It must be comprehended that the good results of the treatment is in fact determined post operative. A person will have to undergo an extensive lifestyle and eating habits overhaul to make sure that he did not waste time and money undergoing the surgery to begin with. This means that the patient, after the operation, should follow a strict diet (still) and not eat more than their new stomach's volume can cope with. It is also important that the patient consume plenty of water to avoid dehydration and continue performing regular exercises. They must also quickly accept the changes and adjustments which are required following the surgery.

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