After the 2nd world war, the dish became popular in UK, and in the US in the 1950's. Originally it was mostly a vegetarian dish. Refinements to the recipe now feature a array of ingredients including meat such as bacon, ham, or shellfish.
INGREDIENTS 1 round pie crust thats not sweetened Two cups of broccoli florets One onion which is scraped and chopped One tablespoon of olive oil 1 cup of shredded cheese Four eggs 1 1/2 cups of whipping cream A pinch of powdered nutmeg Pepper and salt
DIRECTIONS Start off by preparing the crust for the purpose of blind cooking. Be sure to fit this crust to a tart pan of 10 inches and later perforate through this with fork tines at around fifteen places. Then rest this pan in a freezer for about 15 min while you preheat the oven up to 400F.(When you rest the crust in a freezer, it prevents it from sparkling or slipping while baking)
Then you can take the crust and place it directly in to your hot oven baking it for close to ten minutes until it turns into a nice golden color. Remove this from the oven and allow it to cool for around 10 min. You can then switch your oven down to close to 375F.
Later the broccoli could be steamed for three minutes in a microwave. Make sure it is just about a little soft. Keep a watch and see that it is not over steamed since you might lose the flavor of the vegetable.
Heat the olive oil on a non-stick small skillet at a medium flame. Then add the onion sliced to cook, stir it intermittently to make sure the onion is soft enough which could be about five minutes or a little more.
Put the onions and the steamed broccoli evenly on to the lower part of the chilled crust. Shower a bit of cheese on the top. In another bowl, whisk the whipped cream, eggs, nutmeg and the pinch of pepper and salt together until it is blended well. Pour this mix on top of the cheese and vegetables. Rest this pan in to the oven and cook it till it is done for about forty minutes. Your meal is ready to serve.
About the Author:
For more information on Quiche recipes please visit Quiche Recipes. You can also take a look at some awesome Tofu recipes by visiting Tofu Recipes.
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