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Thursday, September 16, 2010

Foods That Speed Up Metabolism

By Katie A. Jones

There are many foods that speed up metabolism in a safe manner. Metabolism is actually a process that performed by our body to regulate the quantity of calories that are incorporated into our body by various food items. Weight loss can be achieved when you eat the best foods that speed up metabolism along with the drinks and other food items that have a low calorific value.

1- Negative calorie foods are actually the best foods that top the list of the category that enlists the foods that speed up metabolism. Some perfect examples of negative calorie foods are grapes, apples, melons, asparagus, spinach, and lettuce. As they are enriched with dietary fibers they are capable of burning out more calories during their digestion than the ones that they supply on their intake.

2. There are a wide range of essential nutrients that can be found in the foods that speed up metabolism such as vitamin C, Vitamin B12, and Vitamin E and Omega 3 fatty acids. Sardine, salmon and tuna are some of the fishes that are rich in protein and can be included in this diet plan. Addition of low calorie fruits and nuts to this diet plan can assure you of the presence of zero starvation episodes.

3. The most amazing part of diet plan that comprises of all the foods that speed up metabolism is that they engulf all the possible food items that bear the potential of augmenting the metabolic rate which means that you can freely include the chocolate and cheese too in the recipes. These are the food items that have been excluded from the diet plans for all wrong reasons.

With the consumption of fewer calories you would be actually decelerating the metabolic rate of your body. So, make sure you eat well and eat low calorie foods that speed up metabolism so that you don't get fat and the metabolic status of your body stays fine.

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