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Monday, February 14, 2011

The Importance Of Vitamins In Our Body

Vitamin E reduxImage by selva via Flickr
By Brandon Probasco

Why do we need to take vitamins? What is the significance of taking these vitamins? What difference would it do if we take vitamins? Maybe these questions have also occurred in your mind. You could actually know the answer by reading the descriptions in the bottle, ask your health provider, or your could do some little research. Since in these modern days, chemicals have been very rampant even with the food that we eat and we all know that chemicals won't do any good in our body system. It could only create complications and would result to sickness. So, to combat these harmful chemicals in out body, we need to have something could help our body system fight off substances that could affect our health.

Vitamins are considered to be supplements that help boost our immune system so it could keep us healthy since it help to fight off foreign substances that enters our body. Below are some of the common examples of vitamins that we can take everyday.

Multivitamins And Minerals: From its name "multi" meaning that it is composed of different type of vitamins that our body needs. There is several type of multivitamins that you can have depending on the manufacturer or the brand that you want. You could buy these multivitamins at any drug stores or even convenient stores. You don't need to have prescription from your doctor to buy these vitamins unless you have a condition that need to have a specific prescription from your doctor on what type of multi vitamins you need to buy. You could buy these over-the-counter.

Specific Vitamins: There are people who don't want to take multivitamins. They just want to take those specific vitamins that they think they need. For example, for those aging women, they are looking for something that could cure their wrinkles and the proper vitamin for that is vitamin E, vitamin A is for the eyes, and vitamin C is for our immune system. Each of these vitamins has its own function in our body system. Just try to figure out what vitamins you need.

So, if you want to know more about the effects, benefits, and other information about vitamins, like I said earlier, you could always consult your doctor or do some research. For sure, you will realize how we badly need vitamins nowadays especially with the lifestyle that the world has today.

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1 comment:

  1. We should always understand the importance of vitamins in our body. Take them to boost our energy and help us prevent certain diseases. Thanks for sharing.


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