The following dream log comes from 2004, during the time of my accident recovery. Its where I come up with my son's name along with some other interesting things
I haven’t had nightmares for forever, my dream catcher has made sure of that. It is strange this dream that I had was so scary and left such a lasting impact on me. I guess it was such a strong dream that broke through my dream catcher, with nothing it could do to stop it.
I was lying in bed, waiting to fall asleep. When suddenly I felt as if my soul was trying to be sucked up and out of my body. It was a very scary experience, and made me not want to fall back asleep. I felt dizzy and connected to the universe, and felt as if any moment I would fall again into the trap and be sucked into wherever it is you get sucked when that happens. During the escape attempts, it felt as if I were dying, and I started to pray profusely, hoping that I wasn’t dying, and praying for forgiveness for all of my sins. After 3 attempts at my soul, I found myself awake, so I turned over and grabbed my Arabic book and started to study, this way I would take my mind off the scary events of the evening.
I was so afraid to fall asleep, that whenever I felt nodding off, I jerked myself awake, so that I wouldn’t be sucked into the soul trap again. I created a safe circle around myself numerous times, and hoped that it would keep whatever evil spirits out were playing with my spirit. Looking back on it, now that I am fully conscious and awake, I think I was experiencing the beginning of an astral projection scene, and looking back, I wish I had allowed the spirit to flee. The problem is that whenever you are prepared for such an event, it never happens, and when you least expect it, you feel as if you are dying. Too bad you can’t project on will.
Eventually, exhaustion overcame me, and I found myself in a strange womb like room, filled with happiness. People all huddling together. The walls were all made up of bookshelves brimming to the top with books, a whole of human knowledge collected on the shelves. I was in the top left corner of the place on a white mattress, being covered with a blue fuzzy blanked. Other people were in their own little cubbyholes, talking and feeling nervous, wondering when the end would come. Across from my little cubby there was another little flight of stairs leading up to the exit hatch that had been permanently sealed, and across from that was another little cubby. There was barely enough room to stand up in this place, the ceiling sloping down infinitely as I looked down upon the masses of cubbies that seemed to never end. I was at the top of an infinitely (or taller then I could deem) pyramid like structure, with a low ceiling covering us all, and an infinite number of people, all in white robes, milling around, waiting to exist.
I took a book off of one of the shelves. It was a manga / comic book of the transformers. As I start reading, I found myself being part of it. It seemed that the outside of our sealed room lead out into the Decepticon infested outer world; a great, over covered cathedral type area. No mater how impervious I was, I was unable to break through the reality barriers – the 6 sides, up, down, right, left, front, back, up, down. It gave me a claustrophobic feeling, and no matter what I tried, I could not escape my destiny.
The Decepticons were flying around trying to kill us all because we were a threat for them, so after fighting and failing numerous times, we finally moved ourselves into this hole, waiting for them to find us and end our existence. I found myself able to fly into and out of the shelter. I was but a shadow. I heard what was happening, and when I was trying to fight, but I couldn’t influence any of the Decepticons.
I saw the hoard of flying creatures. Their back front, left undefended, their entire force pushing through the last of our defenses. I ran into the shelter to relay the news, and we all moved as far away from the entrance as we could, barricading and blocking their path if they made it through the shelter. We initiated last defense measures and sealed up each cubbyhole with a large steel door, and moved into the bottommost shelter. Huddled, this mass of humanity knew their time was up. The silence was deafening. After an eternity, the sounds of muffled explosions, and vibrations shook our last sense of reality, and we slowly succumbed to the inevitable.
I slowly woke into consciousness in what appeared to be an almost hobbit like building. I was in a small room, with wood grain trim, and a large round window leading to the white, bright, outside. I walked into the dining room, and saw 2 other men eating breakfast. Both of them reminded me of my cousins, but were not my cousins – there was a sense of familiarity, but a sense of independence. They were dressed up in suits and ties and were going to an interview that evening at the local mall, it seemed they were selected as a produce specialist, they tested some produce for a few months, and they were going there to give their testimonials about it.
Outside, the sky was too perfect, and the surrounding villas were deep within a mountainside. Narrow roads ran up and down steep hills, ensconced on either sides were the little villas, set off slightly from the road by a small set of steps and a narrow walkway. Off in the distance there was a vast ocean, and a harbor filled with antique sailing regattas.
Having the power of flight from the previous reality, and now with the power of interaction I flew around this little world, and couldn’t find a way out. I flew up to the ceiling and realized that it was made of sheets of a weird, flexible material. The 2 men from the breakfast table told me they were going off, and to watch out for the ceiling because behind it was an infinite ocean of nothingness. I didn’t heed their words and start struggling against the false blue sky, trying to tear a hole in it through which I could manifest myself.
Upon piercing the blue ceiling, I found myself in a clear fluid, nothingness, bright, and fluid. I found I could breath in the water, but felt myself drowning at the same time. Surrounded by this infinite expanse of nothing, clear, white, and bright.
I woke up on the deck of a pirate ship, the sky red and deep purple – either indicative of a storm blowing, or a weird surreal dreamscape. I was alone, saturated, and looking for a way out of the place. I learned how to manufacture objects out of nothing, and made myself a little meal, and sat alone in the bowels of the ship. Nervous, and confused, I started to fall asleep. Just as I was about to doze off, I found the ship rocking violently, and a great storm manifest itself. The ship was destroyed, and I was thrown into a dark and stormy ocean, again breath drowning the entire way into the unknown.
I found myself on another pirate ship, but this one was filled with upscale people, they were people having a feast, and it was my job to serve them their meals. Running around, hectic, and trying to get everything in order. During this ordeal, I asked if my next transfer between realities could take place without me having to be drowned in the process. After a while the ship started rocking and turning again, fearing I would drown again, I started cursing and becoming very irate at the whole situation. But suddenly, the ship was hit by a jarring slam as it grounded itself against some rocky shoreline. At least I didn’t have to drown.
I found myself on the outskirts of a ancient Japanese dojo, where I studied various martial arts for a while. One day, as I was training, a weird man came and presented me with his magic bag, and no sooner had he opened the bag, then I was sucked into darkness.
I woke up in a weird school. It was convoluted, like and abstract painting, and I had to choose job paths – a scene I been in millions of times before, memory of dream within dream. I went down the stairs, through the civil servant and writer’s paths, eventually, taking a secret path, past the paths of richness and glories, to a small alcove; taking the path of philosopher. When I got there I got all dressed up. I was on a stand with Plato, Jesus, Mohammad, Me, dressed in yellow, white, and bright blue garments – all felt like, almost like a Jewish prayer shawl to some extent with the Star of David and two blue stripes down the side.
Going back up the way I came I came upon the “preppie” room, where there were nothing but squirmy little females, all high class, and socialite like. I used my philosophical intellect; fighting with words to get in. I was speaking foreign languages and romanticizing girls. And finally they let me in. They were all over me, but in this school such behavior was. I took up an empty roll of masking tape and tossed it over to the principal, hiding a secret message inside. Suddenly there was issued an edict for students to go around naked and have sex.
No one believed what had been done, that when the principal came in the next day, she asked everyone what they were wearing today. I told her we were thinking about going around naked, so she took off her clothes and the school wide orgy started.
I looked around and everyone was involved in the affair but myself. All the affection and tenderness the girls had shown be before was gone. This increasingly angered me. I made it so they could do that, after seducing them, and instead of repaying the favor they simply ignored me.
There was a this gaggle of people on an upper step, and the ladies were making fun of the guy’s small bit of masculinity. Needless to say, I was not only angered by this, but enraged by the whole affair. So I turned him into a girl, which scared the living daylights out of the people there. I told them that if they wanted to continue they would need sacrifice a girl to me to appease me. After some debate, a girl comes down, so change guy back. Instead of being affectionate to me, she was very indifferent. I realized I shouldn’t be here, but was still depressed and angered by the whole situation. So as I was leaving I changed everything back, to everyone’s disquiet. It was a classic case of paradise lost, forgetting that which they should have been grateful for, only to loose it in the end to their insolence.
At this point I woke up, and took care of some of nature’s demands on the bladder. Groggy and it being still to early to even think about thinking about doing something I went back to bed.
I was in a comfortable little room, with dark brown accents, and lots of carpet. I was sitting on a couch and an extremely attractive female, of whom I can’t remember ever seeing or dreaming. She came to me, very sensually, and started to flirt. This lead to that, and within a little while we were on the couch making out. In the midst of our passionate embrace, I suddenly died, and felt my spirit being ripped from my body. After all the work, finally getting to make out, and dying in the process; I was not only angry, I was enraged at my situation, and so with all my effort I tried to stay in the body, but the ethereal pull was too great.
I suddenly found myself in another “me” in a completely different reality. I was in the middle of a karate tournament, in the middle of a sparring match. And the memory of the previous reality struck me. Instead of letting it fade away and absorbed into this reality, I struggled as hard as I could to keep the memories separate, the virulent spirit from infesting my pristine mind. I sat down in the middle of the match and concentrated intently.
After sitting there for a while, to the disquiet of the crowd, I developed a shaky, but secure grasp on the invading memory, and once I had confidence that it wouldn’t flee as the numerous other soul invasions had, I got up and groped for a phonebook, essentially forfeiting the match.
In my craze, I searched for a psychic who dealt with crystals and crossing over spirits. Finally, I came upon a locally located psychic and rushed to my car to get there as fast as I could, in case the spirit was absumed in the process. I crashed into the psychic’s house in search of the crystals and incense I needed to protect and project my trapped spirit on this plane, and open a portal to the plane in which it came.
In my haste, the psychic was enraged, and at a moment was going to call the police, but I told her briefly of my story and offered thousands for her immediate assistance, laying down a large wad of hundred dollar bills in the process. Either the curiosity of the event, and my story got to her, and whatever doubt she had remaining was erased at the sight of the large sum of money I had produced for her.
It was unknown if she truly believed in her powers, or if she were just an overnight operation, but the following events surely convinced of her intuition. I was able, with some effort, to open a doorway to the other plane, and saw my “girlfriend” in tears over my deceased corpse. In my emotional response, I forced the invading memory out of my body and the spirit back into the other plane, manifesting it before the grieving woman. As soon as the spirit crossed the boundary between this plane and the other, the conscious of both became entwined in my mind – I was a super conscious, both and nothing, all wrapped in one. Eventually I was able to transverse multiple planes, and copy my spirit in each – in addition I could bring objects between the different planes, as well as copy them within the same plane. At one time I had several hundred copies of myself running over several planes, a truly confusing situation.
I soon discovered that I could absorb books and knowledge, and I spent a good amount of time “eating libraries”, I would expand my spirit to the size of the building and pass it through the artifice, and by doing so I gained the knowledge contained within. I could go forward and backward through time, and was a truly omnipotent and omniscient being. Soon, I grew old and tired of this game, and let go of my hold on reality, letting my soul jump to another plane that was similar to the one I was in before. Entering it as soon as my original body died. I entered the plane, manifested my spirit, and made my spirit materialize a body. It was an strange situation at first, with 2 bodies, when the police came, I had 2 more copies of my dead body fall from the ceiling, and they left it as an undiscovered mystery, hauling the bodies off, letting me get on with my life so rudely interrupted centuries before.
After marrying my “girlfriend”, and bearing my to customary spirit children, Hanna (the talkative), and Xavier Alexander (the mysterious), I grew restless, and realized my destiny, I started on a mission to other countries.
I first appeared as a strange traveler in numerous Arabic speaking lands, prophesizing and teaching the unity of the spirit, the Oneness of God in all her manifestations in different religions, and grew a huge cult following. No one ever really saw me, no pictures were ever taken, yet my image began to proliferate the middle east. It was truly a mystical experience for those who I appeared before. I would show up late at night, as a traveler on the road, asking for refuge, and acting as an angel of Allah, I rewarded those who were kind to me with much kindness (multiplying crops, herds, harems, money, healing the sick, fixing things, etc… at the same time dropping subtle hints at this paradigm shift in Islam mentality). Slowly the movement took hold, and by the end of the 2 month period I had converted almost the entire populace of Islam to this new thinking. My esoteric image, painted and strangely adorning numerous places, blurry, and mystical.
I continued my same work, simultaneously in India, China, Eastern Orthodox areas, and finally, and most importantly at the Vatican. All the while, trying to do my mission at the same time, keep my family happy.
At the Vatican, I appeared to the Congress of Cardinals, in the same fashion I had before, as a strange traveler asking for refuge. I taught them much, and my knowledge of doctrine and the euchemenical process impressed them so much, that they began to look to me as the supreme spiritual leader. I left just as mystically as I had done before, leaving only a small trace of how they could find me, through one of the least significant Cardinal in the congress.
When I arrived back home, my family was ecstatic. I told them of the plan, and like clockwork things fell into place. A week after my return, the pope passed away, and 60 days after my arrival at my house, a Cardinal transport arrived to take me to Rome to be named The Holy See. My appearance caused an international stir – here was this Muslim, Jew, Hindu, Eastern Orthodox, etc… and was now leader of the Holy Roman Church. After a brief period of chaos, my universalism became remembered, and ushered in the 1,000 years of peace before the end times. I rebuilt the Temple on the Mount, and moved the Holy Seat there. The world was united under one religion, with different practices, and war and famine completely eradicated. Knowledge and prosperity prospered.
In the Holy Roman church I allowed priests to be married – no longer the spiritual giants of the distant past where celibacy was needed, this took care of many of the problems plaguing church clergy levels. Additionally, women were instated in the patriarchal structure, and finally allowed to become priests. I moved my family to Jerusalem, and there we lived in peace and happiness for many years.
When it came time to release my self from this mortal womb, I left as mysterical as I appeared. I made my way to the large monument in the middle of Australia, in the middle of the night, climbed its southwest face, and entered a hidden cave, where a tomb and burial chamber had already been prepared for me. I made sure to seal off my tracks so I would never be found, and laid myself down for an eternal rest, in preparation for the end times to come.
Again, nature was taking it’s calling on my bladder, and so I took the necessary steps to reduce my abdominal pains, and returned to bed, groggy and foggy as ever.
I suddenly found myself in front of a produce shelf in a common grocery store, green, and covered with that no slip stuff; I bumped into a swinging tray of large heart shaped yellow pears. I would right it, but it kept falling down, and eventually the tray fell out of the chains that were holding it. It was funny, the regular pears were supposed to be out for a year, but after I arrived, suddenly normal pears appeared in the pear bin. With the appearance of them, the store could go on, making it’s famous drink – a pear and pineapple smoothie, with an orange Popsicle center.
I walked around a while, and found myself in the deli area where they make their drinks, and was surrounded by numerous girls I recognized from high school. They were preparing for two of their friends, and acquaintances of mine from high school, to get married. A girl I remember named Alice was there, but in the dream she was named Alexia, and instead of being married, she was still single, and as a favor bought me one of the drinks.
The deli was a pretty common set up, with the feeling of an Hispanic grocery – there was no central AC, and there was a shoddy yellow paint job, with numerous fans circulating air through the deli. On the one wall there was a long glass counter, displaying the various meet and cheese products (classic deli fare). On the opposite wall were things reminiscent of Pee Wee’s Playhouse – strange devices with humanlike features – like a large bike handle with eyes on either end sticking out of the ferment, and a refrigerator that reminded me of Chair-y.
As the other girls there were in anxious preparation for the ceremony, I started animating (with my power) the objects from the wall. Suddenly they told me that they needed to freeze Popsicles, so I told them to pour water in the freezer looking thing, and I instantly froze them, colder then liquid nitrogen, and transformed them into flavoried ices. One of the girls told me that they needed a Lucite plate, large, flat, and smooth on the ends. I told them I made one appear in their van, but they wanted one from the store, so I set off in search of such a device.
As I was leaving, one of the girls got too close to the refrigerator, as she was investigating a bike being crushed under the animated bike handle, which quickly proceeded to devour her, leaving a wake of carnage and gore. Using my powers I stopped the animations, cleaned up the mess, and returned her to her normal state, while erasing her memory of the terrible event. On my way out of the little corner deli, I grab my backpack, unusually heavy, as if it had the weight of the world within it.
I began walking through this huge mall, coming from the grocery part. Looking back, I realized that the story I was in was called the Big W, with large orange lettering. As I forded my way through the crowds, there appeared several gigantic “jock” type guys trying to force their way through the crowd. The ones in front got on all four, started growling, and transformed into strange looking dog creatures, while the ones in the rear, already large as they were, got on each others shoulders and started knocking people out of their way (the ones who didn’t let them pass). I knew I had to get around them and in a hurry, so I took to the air, and flew around their impasse. Along the way animating things for people – mostly little toys and things for children.
Along the way through my search, I found various people in various states of disrepute, and using my powers I was able to solve their problems and start turning this wonton and chaotic plane of existence I found myself in, into a peaceful and perfect place for people to patiently wait out their time. Along my search for the Lucite plate, big giants appeared, grabbing me on the shoulder, and hindering my progress. It wasn’t a matter of hurting my progress, but rather filling out the process in a more fulfilling matter – they joked with me, and I enjoyed my respites with them. It was a huge mall, tiled with brown and tan cobblestone/marble squares. A common, darkness and brown feeling were felt throughout the halls, and nothing seemed out of the ordinary. I happened to pass my cousins I had met in the earlier dream, sitting along a black background, illuminated with a strange spotlight, and the camera crew and the people standing around. For some reason I had the feeling of Christmas shopping and snowy nights, even though the outside was summer in appearance. As I traveled inward, the place and mood got darker, and the brilliant fluorescents from earlier were replaced by dim yellow floodlights recessed in the ceiling, casting a warm, yet darkening glow on the area.
In the center of the mall, where one normally finds the center, the food court, maybe a fountain or other grand structure of human waste and creativity, there stood a mystical village. There were some small structures reminiscent of ancient Egyptian pyramids; but for the most part, there were black curtain dividers making the entire structure – large black square pipes, with a black felt/silk sheet in the center, standing on pipe supports laying crosswise at the corners. Each of these sections connected to each other and had small lengths of the same black cloth over the seams, giving a large, imposing, seamless appearance.
Upon further investigation, I come to find that who ever is running this is a strange, eccentric old man. There are reports of over 22 people going into the maze recently, and haven’t been seen in 3 weeks. A police investigation only turned up even more confused results; they went in with a rope, their umbilical cord to the outside world, and spent days searching through the maze, never finding the exit, nor finding the same path they crossed twice. Even from above, the maze was shifting and hazy, unable to seem to get a complete hold on reality. Around the outside edge of the maze, there were scenes of people from various walks of life repeating the same motion, the same scene over again, some of the people appeared to be depicting an ancient past, Neanderthals and their predecessors, and some even looked to be somewhat futuristic – with all types and representations in between. The sections around the furthest reaches of the maze were not continuous like the interior panels, but were set up almost like dominoes, with small spaces in between. When one approached these gaps in the structure, strange, ghost, zombie, demon, and other horrific monsters would appear – in a strange holographic coloring, leading viewers of this mystical structure to believe the entire set of scenes were nothing more then holograms. Above all, no one knew when or why it appeared, how it got there, or what its purpose was – except they were afraid of it, and 22 people had disappeared within its bowels after it was set up.
Suddenly I hear alarms going off in the mall, and seeing some security doors – those chain link structures on the front of shops, slowly descending in the middle of various intersections. I tried to run and get back to the wedding ceremony – which I had realized I was already late enough as it was. One of the larger giants, looking somewhat like “Weird Al” appeared, and gently stopped me from continuing, telling me it wasn’t time yet. He took my backpack in his hands and realized it was way beyond his ability to hold, so I took it and supported his hand as he let go. With that I took my perch on top of a gigantic ice machine / freezer, setting my overly heavy backpack beside me. Someone unknown approached my little perch and asked me what was in the bag, but I had no idea – I told them it was important because it was so heavy, but beyond that there was nothing else I knew of it.
A little while later, the gate barring my path lifted (even though I had the ability to pass through objects, I rejected using my powers for such an endeavor). I was suddenly exhausted, and I sat on a bench in front of a planter with a tree in the center. To my left was one of those mall garbage cans, and across the way, there was a pretty female talking out loud to herself (that or I was reading her mind). She had a backpack exactly like mine, from which she produced a huge black binder – the heavy object taking up the entirety of the innards of the bag. She flipped through a few pages, then said to herself that the omniscient knowledge is not meant for men, and in fact detracts from our experience in this vale of tears – the unknown is critical to the human experience. So she took the binder and discreetly disposed of it in the trashcan, to be forever forgotten by man. After mysteriously disappeared (as mysteriously as she arrived), I open my bag and saw the same black binder, inside it contained all knowledge ever known before, known now, or forever to be know; it was a book that had all the books ever written, all the thoughts ever thought – infinitely long, no matter where you turned you were always in middle, no matter how many pages you flipped to the front of the book, you never got any closer to it. I realized I didn’t have time to discover its contents; I had to get back to the wedding, so I placed the book back in the bag, and went to pick up the bag, but it disintegrated in my hands. Now burden less, I flew back to the wedding.
I was fling back through mall to make the wedding, but got a bit lost. I finally find my way back to the Big W (with the orange lettering, market I first went through). I pass the mother finding the plate glass among this wall of millions of differing shapes and sizes, all precarious balanced ready to fall. I flew off to the side, which had been darkened to almost the point of complete darkness, in a deep, dark theater blue, accented by several low orange and red spotlights highlighting differing actions. In the spotlight, like one of those miracles on ice, the Groom is upfront waiting for bride. There is wedding music, but I seem to be the way, and can’t seem to control of myself flying, with people telling me to get down (quietly making hand signals and shushing noises). I seem to be in the middle of the production. I see dancer off to my right, dressed in a bride like costume, but with the grace and moves of a prima ballerina. From my left side, off to the front the bride comes running in as part of the chorography, stopping at dramatic points in the music to add dramatic flair and emotions to the event. I end up fling up to ceiling (made out of large blackened tiles, like those found in the theatre) to stay out of people’s ways.
I eventually make my way to the background and meet a head wearing a lime green baseball helmet on top of metallic silver tape measure (one of those hugely long ones with the hand crank to roll it up, and the see through sides to see the tape wound up inside of it). He tells me that he broke his legs, and was stuck being in charge of some lighting (which still doesn’t account for the lack of any body under the head. I Tell him I can fix him, and with his consent, start the reconstruction of his body. It takes all my energy, and more power then I’ve ever used in creating things in this plane then before, but after a tremendous effort, more then I had ever exerted before, he was complete. He was on roller skates, just like the way he was when he died (turned into a head), and can’t stand up. He is very slippery, and is sliding all over the place, not just with his skates. Since we were on a slope he kept rolling this way and that, so I try to find a flat area for him to lie. I see there is one at the bottom of a short flight of stairs so I try to help him down the stairs, but he crashes out of my hands, slips and falls and breaks his head, which pops off of his body, leaving him depressed, unconscious and angered at me. I am deeply saddened by my failure.
I quickly make athletic gymnastic girl, as I had done innumerable times before, very easily, and then try to make him out of her. I find out that she only has enough “ethereal energy” invested in her to barely make his foot. I realize what I then have to do, so I take his bloodied head and work furiously. He seems to be complete, but I keep him with me way longer then usual, so that I can not only create him, but also infuse enough strength in him to overcome his fragile nature. I then realize that I have fragments of the bag in my pocket so I integrate the parts into him, making him a Demi-god, much like a pan type creature. All of this ends up letting his muscles grow fully. After the process is complete he is intolerably weak, and can barely walk, so I take him up in my arms and we fly around looking for a wheelchair for him to use. Along the way I make sure everything is fixed and happy. By now the mall appears to be completely perfect. Finally, we reach the front of the mall, near the exit doors, bright external light flooding the entrance, where we find a motor scooter unchained near front. The policewoman (who happens to be a police woman’s head stuck on another motor scooter, colored blue with a flashing light – a police chair – who, unremarkably shows up out of nowhere) says it’s ok to take since the people who had rented it forgot to chain it up and they would be charged for it. Leaving my creation to his destiny (with a little struggle keeping him from running off all hay day in the chair, until he got the hang of it), I exit the mall.
Flying outside, I see that everyone upset. There is much anger and hatred among the wedding guests. Lena (the bride) told everyone to ignore Jeremy (the groom) for 2 weeks after they got married as a practical joke. But for some reason, everyone took it the wrong way, and was treating her as if she were a heathen, hating her evilness, and her. They were looking to murder her and were chasing her down. I knew something in the mall was out of balance, so I flew back inside and fixed everything that I could find. Despite my efforts I couldn’t see what needed to be fixed. As I passed a side aisle, I saw the mob gang up on here, and using my powers (which had been increasingly hard to control, and requiring more and more effort on my part), turned her into a green flame that wiped everyone’s memory of the event, and set her with Jeremy outside in their large white passenger-converted-to-wedding van.
The answer came to me as suddenly as everything else had in this dream of occurrences: I realized the mystical maze was source of all the problems, and that holograms were not holograms at all but evil spirits. I flew quickly back to the maze and ran through it to find the 22 missing people. Once in the center I saw that they were stuck in some weird sort of mental hold and were performing the same scene over and over again. I had them hold onto each other’s waists in a long train (using their left hands), while I tore one of the partitions up and taking one of the poles placed them in their right hands. All set we charged out of maze.
Suddenly the owner appeared; he was balding, with white wild hair on the side, wearing a yellow shirt with red lettering (I think the numbers 1954, and wise, old, and cranky, were on the shirt, but for the most part it was illegible or incoherent to me). He was fuming with what I had done. I realized this guy had too much power for this plane of existence and was somehow abusing the system. I also realized he was around since the beginning of time, trapping people in his maze, forever; the displays weren’t holograms, but people trapped in an infinite cell, doomed to repeat the same performances they did when they were first trapped. With this new knowledge, I started running through maze freeing people; as I did, the man getting angry, getting furious, his rage building to a point never seen ever in existence. Eventually the people who freed starting freeing other people; at this time the man getting extremely angry, his ferocity growing exponentially each instant he continued to see my destruction of his infernal cell. The mob of freed people set on him and tore him to bits. I placed his remains in a mystical rug, made up of the fabric of the maze – absorbed into infinity and eternity in darkness.
The more people I set free, the darker and more evil thing seemed to be getting, instead of lighter and brighter as I had expected. People from all walks of life and all ages were being set loose; trillions upon trillions of people, a number so great it was uncountable. The more we destroyed from the complex structure, the more people we found that we needed to liberate, it was as if the maze were infinitely regressive on itself and had existed for an eternity, therefore, we surly could never find the end of this structure, let alone lead to its destruction. Suddenly the guy appeared again, he was older; a man from another reality. I tried talking to him, trying to get him to tell me his secret, what this maze was about and why it was here. He ignored my pleadings and he continued to refuse to talk. Unexpectedly, a set of Amazonians set upon him from a tree suddenly sprouted in the middle of the display, and electrocuted him out of existence, blue lightning flashing between people holding a trident above him, and dissipating into cones held by two other people near by.
Soon a whole string of these men in yellow shirts started to appear, and a host of people dressed in white robes. The people in the white robes went into the center of the display in a little circle and started chanting, while the yellow men marched around the outside of the display. Things became frenetic and I knew that my only hope was destroying these men, so I used my remaining powers to merge them into one. I wrestled him to the ground and threw him into the eternal rug and started rolling the back on itself to trap not only the evil, but the rug itself in the eternal infinite; infinitely regressive on itself, meaning there would be no escape from this singularity – in an effort to finally rid the world of evil once and for all.
After the disappearance of the rug, finally, infinitely regressively on itself, as if suddenly he emerged from where the rug used to sit; him the epitomize of evil, the eternity he spent in the infinite realm gave him power of that realm, so much so he was able to break its curse and break back into the reality – he was truly a monstrous sight. He started killing people around the display, upon their death taking their souls with him back into his maze. I knew at this occurrence this evil was truly Satan, and this maze was his manifestation of hell on this eternal plane. I was setting these people free so they could come into the love of the good world, and he was torturing them and trying to suck them back. Without the people in hell, he would loose his power. Without the people free, my conscious would never let me rest.
A huge battle ensued. Neither one of us was stronger then the other. At one time he tried to throw his fists at me (detaching them from his body and flying them about like evil little imp demons), but I turned them back against him and started pummeling him with them (using my psychic powers to do so). They started winning, but then he transformed them into a manifestation of his body, a grotesque outgrowth and sent them back against me. I threw this privation of nature back against him, and it started devouring him. I took him and threw him into the middle of maze and took the rug and wrapped the maze up in itself, and the rug on itself, leaving no trace of the monstrosity. Suddenly, out of the center fountain, which had previous stood in the center of the mall before the maze appeared, the white men appeared again and starting chanting again; out of the center of this coven, Satan appeared with all his evilness. I knew I had to stop him, for he was in the throws of death, and reality seemed to be collapsing in on him. It started to hail fire boulders, and there were large earthquakes; time was slipping, past, present, and future all mixing, reality twisting in weird distortions of space and things. Substance came into existence just as other manifestations of reality left for their eternal rest in nothingness, never to have existed. I realized that there were still innumerable people running around the outside the fountain (where the maze had stood, the ones I had rescued) and that I had to protect the people, so using all my might I erected a faint shield (as strong as my abilities and powers would allow), a very faint protectorate against his flailing wrath, and fled for my life with those around me.
I was leaving this perversion of reality, a transposition of heaven, reality, and existence; the mall was collapsing around me. Satan eventually (sooner rather then later) had broken through the shield, and was chasing me like a big bloated sandworm from the neither realm (of Betelgeuse). Suddenly, (out of what appeared to be a gigantic black and white checkerboard piece of art on the wall, she opened one of the small plates, which revealed her hiding place, a little 3ft x 3ft cell), my spirit child, Hanna, no more then 3 old came to me and told me that she knew what I had to do.
She didn’t really exist in this realm, but was merely a shadow of her true existence; in another realm, and as part of this unthinkable sacrifice I was going to have to make, she would no longer end up being my biological child in my waking real, but would be remembered always in my memory. I took her up in my arms and erected a shield around us with the last of my remaining strength; I divided that shield and doubled the shield around her to protect her for as long as possible. I went back into the pool and sank down into its depths. The last thing I remember her saying to me was never to forget this existence, and to always take care of Xavier Alexander – the hope, the future, and the everything. And then there was silence.
In a sudden rush I knew everything, felt everything, and was everything. The whole plane of existence vanished without a trace except for the faint memory from my dreams. I realized then that the man was the evil opposite of me. When I created that dream reality, he had been created along with my avatar, as a balancing act to my kindness. The act of me allowing him to devour me was a selfless act of sacrifice. I ceased to exist, and because there was no good to balance out the evil. Evil ceased to exist as well, and thus the whole plane of existence ceased to exist.
The act of taking my spirit child with me, enabled me to conquer the plane, while retaining all memories of the plane, so that the goodness of the plane could live on within my memory – in essence, preserving the reality of all those lost in the cataclysm. They would go on, with no memory of the events that had occurred, living out their normal lives (as normal for a dream reality), until they moved onto another higher plane of existence. Thus I had saved them from eternal damnation and being trapped in the plane forever, but at the same time sacrificing my dream child, and connection to that plane.
I don’t know if I were sad when I woke up, exhausted, drained. My emotions were not enough to describe how I felt. For a moment I felt omniscient, and emotions that weren’t humanly possibly flooded my reality, the waking realm. But in the same instance I came into the realm, the visions of grandeur, and my omniscience from the book of knowledge, my super powers, and abilities all gone in the same instant they came to be; an instant of realization and affirmation, here forever, gone forever.
I fell back asleep and found myself riding a bike; a deplorable, broken down bike that didn’t really work properly, I couldn’t ever get it fully started, and had to use my feet to propel myself forward, on this exaggerated scooter bicycle then a real bicycle. Even the shiny red and chrome trim did nothing to detract from its wonton-ness. I rode up the road in front of my house, around the corner, dodging traffic on the road, making my rounds back to my house, a pleasant, albeit hard trip. At times I swerved out into the middle of the road, unable to control the bicycle, and people ended shouting obscenities at me. Two people on beaten up, rusted out, but functional bicycles (as opposed to my beautiful looking non-functional bike) showed up behind me. They announced themselves as my friends. One was a tall Asian / American Indian looking fellow, and the other looked a bit like fat Albert (although he didn’t go hey, hey, hey :P).
We got to the church parking lot, near my housing development, at which time I announced to my two “friends” that my bike had been dropping items that seem to belong in a MMORPG (massively multiplayer role playing game) video game. Along the trip there I had picked up numerous pieces. Eventually I succeeded in getting a black dragon wing to “drop”, and when I showed them, explaining that this was indeed magical because dragons weren’t even implemented in the game yet. We spent the rest of the afternoon and the evening trying to get rare items, staying until it was completely dark.
Suddenly numerous cars started pulling in front of the building we were playing in front of. This building sat in front of the church complex, and inside there were numerous beauty products (hair care, shampoo, skin care, etc…). Upon seeing the people, my two friends fled. I told them to take my bike to my hose (since I only lived a block or two away I would walk back later). A friendly white, fluffy dog, appeared and I called it by name (which I have soon forgotten). The cars were filled with innumerable and beautiful females, coming there for an Avon presentation that three of my constituents and I were showing.
I suddenly was no longer the kid of the earlier dream, nor was it dark, but either dusk or dawn, a hazy feeling came over the area, and three tents had been set up in the lawn. In addition the young beautiful girls had grown older (as had I), and I was introducing myself to my prospective clients. I went over to the building and opened up to let the dog inside (the building nothing more then a thing shell, with large glass windows and a small room used a storage area and bathroom, and went back over to get started selling. I approached an elderly looking woman (probably in her late 50’s early 60’s), shook her hand, introduced myself, and broke into a customary sales pitch, having her try on samples, and getting her excited about the presentation we were going to show the clients that evening (morning). After explaining some of the products and getting everyone hyped up, I introduced my partner who was going to try and sell them on vacation tour packages.
As I waked back into the house, I noticed that it transformed into a large shopping area, where each family had its own selling and living area. In my dream my father the complement of evil, killing people because they returned phones they bought from him, yelling and beating the various members of the family, and was generally pure evil; he was a manifestation of pure hatred towards him, there was no more love or sympathy in my heart for him, and I wished him dead.
Soon, my wish was fulfilled and a death match was called, where the person who got all the money would win. When you killed someone, you got all their money, and in this way all players except the winner were eliminated. I had no powers, was human, unlike the earlier phase of my dream, but I still retained my martial arts skills, and so I had much of a leg up over everyone. I didn’t want to participate, and was thrown in involuntary. At every twist and turn, I dodged others attacks, and people fell out through their own demise. I never attacked, merely dodged, but people ended up dying anyways.
At one point, a thin black lady was chasing me, I zigged when she should have zagged and she ended up impaling herself on a spear. As she was slowly dying, she bequeathed to me her entire account, but told me she had two Korean children she had hidden in the building we were fighting in. It came down to me and the children in the fight, and the people who were watching realized that the children couldn’t fight and I wouldn’t fight, so they sent in huge robot guards, which I had no qualms at defeating. What was weird was that some of the people were easily dispatched by weapons as small as BB guns and rubber bands, and others couldn’t even be touched with rocked launchers – it was a very uneven playing field.
I rushed into where the children were hiding and found that they were nurturing a turtle covered in cream, with cracks in its shell, like the ancient Asian predictive predecessor to the I Ching. They set their little snapping turtle against me, and started to fight me to no avail. I snatched them up and rushed to get out of this crazy tournament. I knew if I got outside the tournament would end, and the 3 of us would be saved. Despite their struggling and protests, I carried them as fast as I could and emerged outside. Since I was carrying them and I used my foot to step outside, I was the “first” person outside and was declared the winner. The children suddenly were caught with seizure, and head’s exploded, the only remnants of their existence was the turtle shell I took from their deceased pet.
With my winnings from the death tournament, I started a spy tournament. I had 3 teams. One team was the protagonists, made up of 2 men, and with the two other teams made up of females – the detectives and operatives. One of the female teams was made up of a mother / daughter couple, and the other by a pair of highly athletic blonde women.
The way the game was won is that during the day each team would be given missions, mainly the male team trying to avoid the female team, competing in stunts, and doing fake fighting matches. In the evening, the game would be over, to give them a bit of time to rest and let down their guard, but that was when we played the psychological game with them. We said that one of the girls on the teams was a mole, and played everyone against each other. There was a lot of diving into water, bungee jumping, repelling, and running (even a car chase or too).
That evening I took them to a strange seafood place, where there strange swimming creatures – mermaid like, and a strange walking creature that was more of a megaphone on legs, twisted and contorted in a cone like purple suit. I called out in some superficial language, and he searched my out; I was an old friend, and was trying to get him to come over so I could introduce my television contestants to him. A door was open, and the echoes off of it confused him, so he got lost on his way there. Once he arrived, I grabbed his leg and started talking and blowing sounds through his cone like structure, and he opened and folded up like a New Years Eve decoration. Changing from blue to purple to yellow in the process.
After introducing him to my cast, the Asian like waiters, who had gills and green feelers on their foreheads, brought us out some strange crablike creature – almost like oysters on the half shell, a red sort of soupy substance in the center, and what looked like a small orange puffer fish on the underside of the shell. The table started to get rowdy, tapping on the glass, throwing food in the tank, and making fun of the soulful looking creatures. To add to the mayhem, a bunch of entertainers, including Mc Hammer, The Rock, and Chris Rock, entered the table behind us – a corner little booth, decked in red valor, unlike the white stretch table I was sitting on. The players were stunned, but I was very familiar with all these people, and they were looking at the table appalled at the behavior of the “spy people”. Instead of showing class like they should have been, they were acting like children. They were so rude and ugly, that the mermaid creatures left the tank and ran back to their dressing room.
I ran off after them to apologize to them, as they too were my friends, and met them in their little tank in their room where they were cowering in their tears. I talked to them in their language, and one of the girls accidentally got her tentacle stuck on my leg – sending a sharp pain up my leg, more of a shock then anything else. Eventually the rest of the crew came back there to apologize, but ended up exacerbate the situation. I go so annoyed I grabbed one of the spy’s camera and wallet and threw it into the river telling him to go get it, and him talking back to me.
Among the confusion I met Howard Stern who was there enjoying the sites, and when I identified him, and my cranky children saw him, turned his nice evening out into a ruined celebrity fest. Annoyed and ashamed, I offered to pay for everyone’s meal, and offered to treat him or her out with me at a later date when only I would be there in the party, instead of these carefree and careless people. Angered I marched them back to the hotel they were staying in, was thinking of a way to properly punish these people and almost had the mind to cancel the show and get a new crew.
At this point I woke up angered and frustrated, and thus ended my longest dream journey to date on a sour note.
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