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Sunday, September 12, 2010

Tips For Selecting Healthy Vending Machine Options

By Stefanie Schwartz

If your only option for food is from a vending machine, all is not lost. There are many healthy vending machine options that you can eat without ruining your health or blowing your diet. Some options will only be found if you have access to a refrigerated vending machine like those often found in hospital cafeterias, while others are usually found in most vending machines.

Refrigerated vending machines are sometimes used to sell perishable foods. These are some of the most healthy foods found in vending machines since they are less processed than other foods. You may find sandwiches with low fat meats, nonfat milk, yogurt, fruits or vegetables in these machines. An apple, orange or veggie snack can be just what is needed until meal time.

When it is time to purchase a drink from a vending machine, consider purchasing bottled water. Bottled water has no calories and no artificial sweeteners. Avoid high calorie and high sugar sodas. Even the fruit juice sold in vending machines can have a lot of sugar. The containers of juice often are large enough to contain more than one serving of juice. If you absolutely must have a soda, choose a diet one.

To choose a sweet from the vending machine when fruits are not an option look for animal crackers without frosting or graham crackers. Some trail mixes and low fat granola bars may work, but they can also be high in calories. Gummy or hard candies are low in fat and just one or two contain very few calories, making a much better choice than a chocolate bar.

When you want a salty snack, try low fat popcorn that has already been popped. Baked chips are also an option. Snack crackers that are baked are much lower in fat than traditional fried chips. Even plain or salted nuts have a place in the diet as they are high in protein and provide some of the good oils that the body needs.

Vending machines often offer only a limited choice for healthy snacks. In addition, you will pay more for snacks from a vending machine than other places. If you know you will be in a situation where the only place to get food is through a vending machine, consider packing your own healthy snack or lunch. You will save money and have many more options.

You will healthy vending machine options in most vending machines. Since the snacks are often behind glass, you may not be able to read a nutrition label until you make your purchase. If you find that you have purchased a snack that is high in fat, sugar or calories, consider sharing that snack with a friend or saving a portion for a snack later in the day.

healthy vending machine options

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