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Monday, September 6, 2010

Fun Facts About Babies You Might Not Have Heard

By Lynn Henry

Sure everybody knows that babies are cute and snuggly. They get to wear super cute and goofy looking clothes. At what other stage in life can a person wear a t-shirt that says "Daddy's Princess" without getting funny looks? Being a baby certainly does not look all that difficult. The majority of the population seems to think that babies are fully formed adults except for their inability to speak in complete sentences. Babies are actually quite different from adults have their own sets of needs and wants. Here are some facts about babies that might be new to you.

Early childhood development is an amazing subject. Learning about the way a baby goes from his infancy to manhood will astound you. The fact is that there is a lot more to a baby that initially meets the eye. Babies are far more complex than people think. They have their own sets of wants and needs that must be met to ensure that they develop properly. There is a lot more to infancy than meets the eye. Being a parent is easier if you understand what is going on as your child grows from baby to small kid to teenager and onward.

Did you already know that there are three hundred bones in an infant's body? By the time a person reaches adulthood there are only two hundred and six bones in the body. Contrary to how this sounds, you never actually lose bones-some of the individual bones that you are born with simply fuse together to form single bones. Some people think that this is one of the reasons that babies are so much more physically flexible than adults, because some of their bones are still able to move about independent of each other. Think about it: how often are you able to eat your own feet as a grown up?

It is their colors that make some toys more popular among babies than others. This means that all of those black and white decorations that you scoff at (for various reasons) are actually better for your baby's eyes than the pastel and soft colored decorations you were planning to use. Most people already accept that babies are able to hear sounds even before they are born. Many sounds cause babies to have strong reactions-reactions that have been recorded before the baby is born. Did you know, though, that decibel levels are just as important while the baby is in the womb as it is once the baby is born? A fetus's ears are impressionable and sensitive. Your doctor will probably tell you that a good gauge for what is too loud is your vacuum cleaner: if your television or music is louder than the vacuum then that music or television show needs its volume turned down! If you must listen to loud music, wear headphones as this will cut down on the noise inflicted on your baby considerably-some doctors even think that vacuum cleaners are too loud so keep the noise to a dull roar as much as you can

Most babies are born knowing instinctually how to swim and how to hold their breath. This is also something that your baby will rapidly forget as well. This is one of the reasons many experts are in favor of women having water births. Swimming from the womb into life is supposed to make the transition of being born less traumatic for the infant. These experts say that being born into water helps ease the transition of birth and makes it less traumatic than the process they'd face by being born in a "traditional" hospital birth.

You know about babies growing tails right? It is absolutely true! In addition to immediately beginning to build major organs, your baby will also start to form a tail during the first few weeks after conception.

The tail will begin to disappear as the rest of the baby's body takes shape as it grows inside the mother's womb. The whole process is similar to the way tadpoles grow up to be tail-less frogs. Not everyone completely outgrows their tails-some people are born with tails that are still partially intact. There are two options available to you if your baby is born with his tail still intact: waiting and hoping that it goes away or having it removed via surgery. The good news is that the tail does not have any effect on your baby's health and removing it should not be a problem. Babies are really fun to learn about. We have yet to figure out just how quickly babies learn and by what process they retain those things. There is, however, a universal consensus on just how wonderful it is to watch babies grow up: they change every single day!

There are so many things about babies that are not well known-you will never get bored learning about child development. It is common knowledge just how quickly an infant develops. Do you know the details of child development? Do you know all of the neat things that happen between conception and adulthood? Your knowledge of babies is already expanding-don't you want to learn more about this fascinating subject?

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