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Monday, August 30, 2010

Conquer Your Incontinence With Confidence Boosters

By Chris Channing

Everyone has something that sets them apart from others. Something that, if everyone knew, they would be mortified without the proper confidence. It may just be that you have an incontinence problem. It's not a big deal, and it's more of a task of coping and understanding.

Staying healthy requires going to the gym, or at least getting some form of regular exercise. In the case of going to the gym, you might be tempted to cancel your membership if you are afraid of having an accident on the floor. Just learn to eat and consume fluid at the right times. Don't get dehydrated: you must still drink fluids, but just know when your body is expected to expel them. Know your body, and the gym isn't so scary.

Entertainment isn't so entertaining when you are wishing the whole time that it will be over. Being caught in the movie cinema with the burning thought of going to the bathroom or worrying about a leak can be devastating. Don't put yourself through this! Much like the gym, you must know your body. Go to the bathroom before the movie even if you don't think that you need to. Everyone, not just you, needs a bathroom break during movies.

Swimming is one social activity that adults with incontinence have a lot of problems with. Water and incontinence aren't exactly friends, since adult diapers are too bulky and padded to get wet in most cases. Buy a water proof set of diapers, and try to find some that are thin so they won't be noticed. The right swim suit can conceal a thin pair of adult diapers- it's all about smart buying decisions!

Dark clothing is your best friend when you have a problem with incontinence. Dark clothing will not show leaks- which is also great for eating out and food gets spilled on you! You should also carry around perfume or cologne to mask smells. Women can carry this in their purse, while men can keep a travel size can of deodorant in their pocket. Axe deodorant can be found in one-ounce versions that are great for accidents, and they are small enough to fit in small pockets.

Going through any health issue solo is a bad idea. This is especially true with potentially embarrassing problems such as incontinence. You absolutely need your friends and family members to understand the problem. You shouldn't have to cover up, even when accidents happen. Mention that an accident has occurred if you need help. Friends and family won't laugh at you, but rather help you out and make sure you are in good hands.

In Conclusion

Help groups are there for people that need them. More often than not, you will be just fine with a good set of friends and by surrounding yourself with the right people. Find more help on community groups online, and always invest in the proper incontinence products.

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